Printed in India

Al-Anon members use literature printed in India and approved by the Al-Anon Family Groups World Service Conference only .

Conference Approved Literature (CAL) is written by and for our members, and goes through review process by numerous Al-Anon members to assure that it conveys the program in a consistent and comprehensive manner.

Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual page-63

Samples from CAL are posted on the website: of the World Service Office (WSO).

Following CAL is being printed in India after due permission from the concerned quarters at the WSO.


One Day At A Time In Al-Anon

It is a daily reader. The inspirational readings relate Al-Anon philosophy to everyday situations, thus helping make each day better than the one before.

Opening our Hearts, Transforming our losses

This book helps acknowledge and accept the reality of grief and loss that affect almost everyone who is living or has lived with alcoholism. Members seek solutions to come out of the pain and lead a serene life in the supporting and loving environs of Al-Anon Family Groups.

Hope for Today

These are a collection of daily readings, experience, strength, and hope from Al-Anon’s adult children members. Readers find help and grow in compassion and understanding.

Paths to Recovery

This is a comprehensive study of our program’s three legacies: the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts of Service.

How Al-Anon Works for Families and Friends of Alcoholics

This basic book discusses our mutual-help program of recovery, including personal stories. It carries the message of hope – the most precious gift.

Courage to Change

One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II. This is also a daily reader and is packed with experience, strength and hope of those who have practiced the Al-Anon program.

Reaching for Personal Freedom

It is a workbook for using Al-Anon’s three legacies: the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions, and the Twelve Concepts of Service in one’s personal life.

Blueprint for Progress, Al-Anon’s Fourth Step Inventory

Al-Anon’s fourth step inventory workbook.

The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage

It is a help for the spouse in dealing with challenges in alcoholic relationships. It addresses issues of anger, communication, and sex . It offers insights for applying the Twelve Steps to the relationship.

Any individual can join Al-Anon if he or she is troubled by another person’s drinking.
If you are unfamiliar with Al-Anon and are wondering whether Al-Anon might be helpful for you take a look at our ‘Is Al-Anon for You?’ page.
This is the official website of Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups of India.
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