Please fill this form below, or if you prefer, use the following options:- download the PDF version, fill and email it directly to GSO India or through your Area or District Representative or Delegate or Group Representative.- open the PDF form, fill it using a PDF Reader and submit it.
Area Number: Group Name: Current Mailing Address (CMA):
Meeting Place: Complete Address:
Current Group Representative (GR): Contact details of GR:
Name: Phone Number* Email:* Complete Postal Address (optional):
Please Note: Group Name reflects Al-Anon principles and is inviting to all. Please note that group names not in compliance with the Al-Anon policy will delay processing of the registration.Contact your Area Group Records Coordinator or the Al Anon GSO India for further information.
Status Of The Group: NewExisting for sometimeInactiveNot Sure If RegisteredWSO Registration No. (If any)Changes (Check all that apply)
Beginners (Held in conjunction with a regular Al-Anon group meeting; not considered an Al-Anon group. Provides newcomers a simple introduction to Al-Anon.)Limited Access (Meeting access is limited due to the facility's entry restrictions. These groups meet at sites such as military bases, institutions, industrial plants, or schools). Electronic Meeting: Date & Time: Link of the Meeting:
(Please Note: The group office bearers should be same for physical meeting and electronic meetings) The Al-Anon India GSO will register any group designating itself as an Al--Anon Family Group with the understanding that it will abide by the Traditions and that meetings will be open to all Al-Anon members. (Digest of Al-Anon and Alateen ) Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27).