
Spiritual Principles

What, Exactly, Are Al‑Anon’s Spiritual Principles? Early in my recovery, I’d hear members mention “the principles” in meetings. I would see references to “spiritual principles” in our Conference Approved Literature (CAL). I noticed that the Twelfth Step guides us to “practice these principles.” While members in my groups shared freely, I couldn’t seem to understand that there might be an underlying theme to each Legacy that could be considered a “principle.” What were these principles and where could I find…

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For Public Information : Translated Literature and Posters

S-25 Bengali M-44 Al-anon is & is not – Malayalam S-25 Did you grow up with a problem drinker – Malayalam P-48 Understanding_ourselves- S-17 Pareshan_Cho-11- M-10 Bas_Aaj_Na_Purtuj- M-44 Al-Anon_Che P-67 MOM N DAD GUJARATHI New Leaflet – 31-7-15 Hatasha se Mukti P41 अलॉटीन के बारे में कुछ तथ्य , S20 क्या आप की ज़िंदगी किसी और के पीने के कारण प्रभावित है, S17 क्या आप किसी के शराब पीने से परेशान है, P81 उपचार के बाद क्या होता है, S69…

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I’m Putting My Son in Your Care

I’ve thought about my relationship with my Higher Power and my relationship with my son. Here’s what I think my Higher Power would say to me: Shelley, You want to hear from Me about letting your son go. You are not abandoning him, as much as it may feel like it. You are simply transferring his wellbeing from your care to Mine. It was never My intention for you to direct, guide, and control his life. That is My role.…

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The Importance of Newcomers!

As an Al‑Anon member, I am always grateful when a new face enters the room. Whether it is someone’s very first Al‑Anon meeting, someone visiting from out of town, or a student completing an assignment for school, I get excited. This is an opportunity for the group to share the message of hope that Al‑Anon offers to anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. It gets me thinking…when was the last time a newcomer came to the meeting? Our Traditions are…

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Any individual can join Al-Anon if he or she is troubled by another person’s drinking.
If you are unfamiliar with Al-Anon and are wondering whether Al-Anon might be helpful for you take a look at our ‘Is Al-Anon for You?’ page.
This is the official website of Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups of India.